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Dubai Tourism


With the ultimate goal of Dubai becoming the world’s most visited city, Dubai’s Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing is the principal authority for the planning, supervision, development and marketing of Dubai’s tourism sector.

Dubai’s Tourism Vision for 2025 is a strategic roadmap with the key objective of attracting 25 million visitors per year by 2025. This strategy outlines what needs to be delivered for the city to effectively drive and serve this visitor growth with multiple initiatives covering regulatory policy, infrastructure development, product offering enhancement, and destination marketing investments. The overall goal of these initiatives and the strategy is to position Dubai as the ‘first choice’ for the international leisure and business traveller.

Tourism is a central pillar of Dubai’s economic growth and diversification. The Tourism Vision will further leverage the sector by broadening Dubai’s offering across events, attractions, infrastructure, services, and packages. Part of this strategy involves adapting a marketing approach to showcase Dubai to a wider audience and increasing awareness and conversion of flight and hotel bookings.

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