Greek National Tourism Organisation and AEGEAN join their forces again

For the fourth consecutive year, Greek National Tourism Organisation and AEGEAN Airlines join forces aiming to promote Greek tourism abroad, through the new ad campaign "Sunshine Discount", officially presented today in a joint virtual Press Conference.
By highlighting the exceptional Greek weather, and the multiple diverse outdoor experiences that Greece can offer to its visitors throughout the year and under the Greek sun, Greek National Tourism Organisation and AEGEAN, created a new campaign that will support Greece’s attractiveness all year long.
Dimitris Frangakis, General Secretary of Greek National Tourism Organisation said: “Greek National Tourism Organisation , systematically implements a strategic plan for the promotion of Greek tourism abroad. An integral part of our strategy is the cooperation with airlines and tour operators for the promotion of Greece as a unique travel destination. Amidst these particularly challenging conditions, we are here to create the necessary conditions for additional support, not only for the tourism industry, but for the national economy as a whole. We invest in partnerships and joint initiatives, that we are confident will have a multiplying effect. The Greek National Tourism Organisation - AEGEAN co-advertising program presented today, includes a comprehensive plan for promoting Greece and targeting markets in which there is interest and dynamics for our country. Based on an original idea, this year's campaign gives additional incentives to foreign visitors to choose Greece for their holidays, a goal that is a key target for this year".
Marina Spyridaki, AEGEAN Corporate Affairs Manager pointed that "in this year’s tourism restart it is of even greater importance to communicate, in a coordinated manner, a strong, cohesive and persuasive message that will win all visitors and convince them to spend their vacation in Greece. In partnership with Greek National Tourism Organisation, we have already achieved a lot throughout the previous years, and we are positive that we will win over the visitors once more. The Greek sun, the climate, and the friendly atmosphere become the catalysts of a memorable experience and our unique offers create an additional strong motive. We have the commitment, the optimism and the anticipation to fly everyone, once more, to their beloved Greek destinations.”
About the campaign
The sun, the exceptional Greek weather and the friendly atmosphere throughout the year accelerate the travel experience. That is why the higher the temperature difference between the country-of-origin Vs Greece, the higher the discount offered by AEGEAN.
The campaign, already launched in the middle of April, will be on air until the end of the year and is addressed to visitors from 10 target markets (UK, Germany, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Austria, Poland, Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands). The campaign will be available through AEGEAN’s digital assets (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) and other touch points of the awarded Greek airline, including its client base, its popular social media channels as well as in its flight screens.
To find out more about the new “Sunshine Discount” campaign, visit the custom AEGEAN page at
To watch the English spot visit AEGEAN’s YouTube channel: