MA officially expands its capacities for the upcoming summer season

Montenegro Airlines (MA) leased aircraft Boeing 737 Classic, a larger capacity aircraft compared to the existing ones in its fleet, in accordance with the adopted business plan for this year, so that in the fleet of the national carrier will be total of six aircraft until October 15.
Aircraft Lease Agreement based on the so-called "wet lease" or ACMI arrangement, which besides aircraft includes crew, technical maintenance and insurance of the aircraft, was signed with Romanian airline Blue Air.
Chief Executive Director of MA, Živko Banjević, said that during negotiations on aircraft lease for the summer season, we have taken into account that partner in the project meets the strictest aviation safety and security standards.
"Montengro Airlines officialy expands its capacities for the upcoming summer season. Aforementioned Agreement envisages the lease of aircraft Boeing 737 Classic, this 120- seat aircraft will operate flights till May 15, after which it will be replaced by 148-seat aircraft type B737-300 which will operate from mid-May to the end of the Agreement. Both aircraft were prevoiusly in the Lufthansa and Norwegian Air Shuttle fleet", stated from MA.
MA will operate flights to 30 destinations in regular and charter traffic, during this season, said CEO of MA.
"Our aim is to transport more than 660 thousand passengers during the year, and these aircraft will be of help", said Banjević.
Chief Executive Director of MA, Živko Banjević, said that during negotiations on aircraft lease for the summer season, we have taken into account that partner in the project meets the strictest aviation safety and security standards.
"Montengro Airlines officialy expands its capacities for the upcoming summer season. Aforementioned Agreement envisages the lease of aircraft Boeing 737 Classic, this 120- seat aircraft will operate flights till May 15, after which it will be replaced by 148-seat aircraft type B737-300 which will operate from mid-May to the end of the Agreement. Both aircraft were prevoiusly in the Lufthansa and Norwegian Air Shuttle fleet", stated from MA.
MA will operate flights to 30 destinations in regular and charter traffic, during this season, said CEO of MA.
"Our aim is to transport more than 660 thousand passengers during the year, and these aircraft will be of help", said Banjević.
Executive director of the Airports of Montenegro, Danilo Orlandić, said that MA is an airline which carried the largest number of passengers to the airports of Montenegro. He added that he believes this year is about to bring even better business results for MA and Airports as well.
"The Airports of Montengero will always support the development of national economy and development of a company such as MA. We repeatedly stated that the survival of MA is very important for the country, tourism economy and overall economy of Montenegro, which is confirmed this time. I am pleased that EU company became a partner with MA and I firmly believe that this will bring even better things for the Airports and MA", said Orlandić.
Blue Air is an airline registred in European Union (EU) , and operates in accordance with the strictest safety and security standards prescribed by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), announced MA.
"This airline is the member of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), and therefore the IOSA certificate holder, which represent the proof of the successful adoption of strictly set safety and security standards in aviation on a global-scale", said MA.
Blue Air, as it has been announced, has 26 aircraft in its fleet, and they have transported more than 26 million passengers so far, out of which more than 5 million passengers in the previous year.
"The airlines operates through eight bases of operation across Europe, and fly to more than 100 destinations. Prior to MA, they successfully cooperated on the basis of ACMI arrangements with companies such as Alitalia, LOT Polish Airlines, TUI Nederland, etc", said MA.